Admission is based on the results of placement testing based on the Contract signed by the University administration with the applicant or other higher education institution with physical or juridical persons; admission is possible based on international agreements by letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and in frames of government order. Full-time and extramural (distance) training is available for foreigners.

Applicant Requirements for entering to the Preparatory Department (more information):
- Complete secondary education;
- Satisfactory state of health;
- Personally submit an application and documents for receipt from July 1 to December 1.
Applicant Requirements for entering the Bachelor Degree (more information):
- Complete secondary education;
- Satisfactory state of health;
- Personally submit an application and documents for receipt from July 1 to October 15.
Applicant Requirements for entering the Master Degree (more information):
- Bachelor’s Degree Diploma;
- Satisfactory state of health;
- Personally submit an application and documents for receipt from July 20 to October 15.
Applicant Requirements for entering the Postgraduate Training Program (more information):
- Master’s Degree Diploma;
- Satisfactory state of health;
- 2-3 scientific works have been published;
- Personally submit an application and documents for admission from June 20 to October 11 (it is possible to receive postgraduate studies during the year).
Duration of study: Preparatory Department – 1 year; Bachelor Degree – 4 years; Master Degree – 2 years after the Bachelor Degree; Ph.D. – 4 years (after a Master’s Degree); Doctor of Science – 2 years (after a Ph.D.).
For admission to Igor Sikorsky KPI, fill out the online application.
Click on the document’s title to read about the Rules of admission of foreigners and stateless persons to study in Igor Sikorsky KPI (UA), as well as download the Agreement to provide educational services to students – foreign citizens.