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Публікації штатних НПП кафедри у журналах БД Scopus/WoS (2020-2024):

  1. Holiatkina, M., Solodovnyk, A., Laguta, O., Neugebauer, P., Kalabukhova, E., & Savchenko, D. (2024). Nature of electrically detected magnetic resonance in highly nitrogen-doped 6 H-SiC single crystals. Physical Review B, 110(12), 125205.
  2. D.V. Savchenko, I.V. Ivanchenko, N.A. Popenko, B.E. Bekirov, E.N. Kalabukhova (2024) Electronic and magnetic properties of Zn1−xMnxSe:Fe2+,Cr2+ (x = 0.3) single crystals. SPQEO, Vol. 27(2), 151-156.
  3. Gorobets, O., Gorobets, S., Polyakova, T., Zablotskii, V. (2024). Modulation of calcium signaling and metabolic pathways in endothelial cells with magnetic fields. Nanoscale Advances, Vol. 6(4), 1163-1182.
  4. V. N. Gorshkov, M. O. Stretovych, N. A. Sinitsyn, D. Mozyrsky (2024) Phase transition in the noise power spectrum of interacting-spin fluctuations at infinite temperature. Phys. Rev., Vol. 109, 094402.
  5. D. Savchenko, T. Chyzhska, O. Shtofel (2024) Teaching the asynchronous general physics course in a crisis context: a case study at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Physics Education, Vol. 59, 025027.
  6. V.N. Gorshkov, V.O. Kolupaiev, G.K. Boiger, N. Mehreganian, P. Sareh, A.S. Fallah (2024) Smart controllable wave dispersion in acoustic metamaterials using magnetorheological elastomers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 572, P. 118157.
  7. Maikut, S. O., Kuzmichev, A. I., Tsybulskyi, L. Y., & Shynkarenko, N. V. (2023). The physico-topological simulation of a transmission X-ray tube with induction heating of the cathode. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. No. 4, P. 190-195.
  8. Zabolotnyi, D. I., Loboda, T. V., Dunaievskyi, V. I., Kotovskyi, V. Y., Timofeiev, V. I., & Nazarchuk, S. S. (2023). Application of the infrared thermography method in diagnosis of raynauds phenomenon. Медичні перспективи= Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives), (1), 95-103.
  11. Y. S. Yapontseva, V. N. Zaichenko, V. S. Kublanovsky, O. Y. Gorobets, Y. M. Troshchenkov, and O. A. Vyshnevskyi (2023) Effect of a Constant Magnetic Field on Electrodeposition of CoMo, CoRe, and CoMoRe Alloys from a Citrate Electrolyte. Surf. Engin. Appl.Electrochem. Vol. 59, P. 412–421
  12. Andriichuk, Y. M., Lyapunov, A. Y., Hotynchan, A. H., Savchenko, D. V., Karavan, V. V., Turash, M. M., & Khalavka, Y. B. (2023). Synergetic Radical-Scavenging effect in the complex of copper (II) with the thiosemicarbazone of Salicylaldehyde. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Vol. 76, P. 1763-1775
  13. Gorobets, O. Y., Kulish, V. V., & Syzon, I. A. (2023) Theory of propagation of nonlinear spin wave through an antiferromagnetic magnonic crystal with four-sublattice interfaces. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 587, P. 171266-1-171266-12.
  14. M. Holiatkina, A. Pöppl, J. Lančok, E. Kalabukhova, D. Savchenko, Spin dynamics in 4H SiC monocrystals with different nitrogen donor concentration / Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 134, P. 145702(1)-145702(11) (2023).
  15. Gorshkov, V.N.; Stretovych, M.O.; Semeniuk, V.F.; Kruglenko, M.P.; Semeniuk, N.I.; Styopkin, V.I.; Gabovich, A.M.; Boiger, G.K. Hierarchical Structuring of Black Silicon Wafers by Ion-Flow-Stimulated Roughening Transition: Fundamentals and Applications for Photovoltaics. Nanomaterials 2023,13, 2715
  16. Gorshkov, V. N., Bereznykov, O. V., Boiger, G. K., Sareh, P., & Fallah, A. S. (2023). Acoustic metamaterials with controllable bandgap gates based on magnetorheological elastomers. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 238, 107829.
  17. A. Solodovnyk, D. Savchenko, O. Laguta, P. Neugebauer Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance Setup based on sub-THz FraScan Spectrometer / IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., Vol. 72, P. P. 6006708-1-6006708-8 (2023).
  18. D.V. Savchenko, D.M. Yatsyk, O.M. Genkin, Yu.F. Nosachov, O.V. Drozdenko, V.I. Moiseenko, E.N. Kalabukhova Electrical properties of highly nitrogen doped 6H SiC monocrystals: microwave cavity perturbation study / SPQEO, Vol. 26(1), P. 030-035 (2023).
  19. J. Vávra, A. Sergunin, P. Pompach, D. Savchenko, J. Hraníček, I. Šloufová, T. Shimizu, M. Martínková Characterization of the tumor suppressor p53 interaction with heme and its role in the protein conformational dynamics studied by various spectroscopic techniques and hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry / J. Inorg. Biochem., Vol. 243, P. 112180(1)-112180(14) (2023).
  20. A. Solodovnyk, O. Laguta, A. Prokhorov, M. Segantini, B. Naydenov, P. Neugebauer, S. Greulich-Weber, E. Kalabukhova, D. Savchenko, Spin dynamics in heavily nitrogen-doped 15R SiC monocrystals: multi-frequency EPR and EDMR study / Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 107, P. 155202(1)-155202(13) (2023)
  21. M. Holiatkina, D. Savchenko, T. Kocourek, A. Prokhorov, J. Lančok, E. Kalabukhova ESR study of hydrogen-free germanium-doped diamond-like carbon films / Phys. Status Solidi B, Vol. 260, P. 2200155 (2023).
  22. Gerasimchuk, V. S., Gorobets, Y. I., Gorobets, O. Y., & Gerasimchuk, I. V. (2023). Spatial antiferromagnetic spin texture as a nano-oscillator. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6613.
  23. Gorobets S., Gorobets O., Kuzminykh L. Control of magnetic susceptibility of probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (2023) Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica, 22 (1), art. no. e1384
  24. Gorobets, O., Gorobets, S., Sharai, I., Polyakova, T., & Zablotskii, V. (2023). Interaction of magnetic fields with biogenic magnetic nanoparticles on cell membranes: Physiological consequences for organisms in health and disease. Bioelectrochemistry, 151, 108390.
  25. Gorobets, Y., Gorobets, S., Gorobets, O., Magerman, A., & Sharai, I. (2023). BIOGENIC AND ANTHROPOGENIC MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES IN THE PHLOEM SIEVE TUBES OF PLANTS: MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES IN PLANTS. Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences, 12(6), e5484-e5484.
  26. Gorshkov, V. N., Tereshchuk, V. V., Bereznykov, O. V., Boiger, G. K., & Fallah, A. S. (2022). Dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional structures under roughening transition stimulated by external irradiation. Nanomaterials, 12(9), 1411.
  27. Gorobets, S., Gorobets, O., Sharai, I., Polyakova, T., & Zablotskii, V. (2023). Gradient Magnetic Field Accelerates Division of E. coli Nissle 1917. Cells, 12(2), 315.
  28. I. Vorona, V. Nosenko, S. Okulov, D. Savchenko, T. Petrenko, T. Stara, C. Labbé, L. Borkovska EPR study of the Mn-doped magnesium titanate ceramics / ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., Vol. 11, P. 013005 (2022).
  29. Melnichenko, M. S., Sydorenko, S. B., Kuzmichev, A. I., & Maikut, S. O. (2022). Influence of the magnetic field of the current passing through the anode on a glow discharge in a coaxial system. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. No. 6, P. 107-110
  30. D.V. Savchenko, M.K. Riasna, M.V. Chursanova, T.V. Matveeva, N.A. Popenko, I.V. Ivanchenko, E.N. KalabukhovaContinuous wave and pulsed EPR study of Cd1-xMnxTe crystals with different Mn content / SPQEO, Vol. 25, P. 275-281 (2022)
  31. D. Savchenko, A. Vasin, A. Rusavsky, A. Nazarov, J. Lančok, E. KalabukhovaElectron spin dynamics in sucrose-derived luminescent carbon dot-silica nanocomposites / J. Phys. Chem. Solids, Vol. 162, 110536 (2022).
  32. A.A. Prokhorov, R. Minikayev, D.V. Savchenko, J. Lančok, A.D. Prokhorov Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of the Tb3+ ion doped into aluminum and gallium borate single crystals / Mater. Chem. Phys., Vol. 275, P. 125251 (2022).
  33. Gorobets, O., Gorobets, Y., Tiukavkina, I., & Gerasimenko, R. (2022). Nonreciprocal Spin-Wave Propagation in a Ferromagnet With Stepwise Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58(12), 1-11.
  34. Yapontseva, Y., Kublanovsky, V., Maltseva, T., Gorobets, O., Gerasimenko, R., Troshchenkov, Y., & Vyshnevskyi, O. (2022). Effect of Magnetic Field on Electrodeposition and Properties of Cobalt Superalloys. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 169(6), 062507.
  35. Gorobets, S., Gorobets, O., Gorobets, Y., & Bulaievska, M. (2022). Chain‐like structures of biogenic and nonbiogenic magnetic nanoparticles in vascular tissues. Bioelectromagnetics, 43(2), 119-143.
  36. Yapontseva, Y. S., Kublanovsky, V. S., Maltseva, T. V., Gorobets, O. Y., Gerasimenko, R. S., Gorobets, Y. I., … & Vyshnevskyi, O. A. (2022). Modeling of the Impact of Convection and Magnetic Field onto Electrodeposition and Functional Properties of CoRe Alloys. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(22), 9437-9445.
  37. Gorobets, Y. I., Gorobets, O. Y., & Kulish, V. V. (2021). Oscillating spin vortices in a two-sublattice uniaxial antiferromagnet. Low Temperature Physics, 47(10), 843-848.
  38. D.V. Savchenko, V.S. Memon, A.V. Vasin, D.V. Kysil, A.V. Rusavsky, O.P. Kuz, F.M. Gareeva, E.N. Kalabukhova EPR study of paramagnetic centers in SiO2:C:Zn nanocomposites obtained by infiltration of luminescent Zn(acac)2 solution / SPQEO, Vol. 24, P. 124-130 (2021)
  39. Berman, G. P., Gorshkov, V. N., & Tsifrinovich, V. I. (2021). Electron spin relaxation induced by a cantilever when the spin frequency matches the cantilever frequency. Journal of Applied Physics, 130(14).
  40. Gorshkov, V., Sareh, P., Navadeh, N., Tereshchuk, V., & Fallah, A. S. (2021). Multi-resonator metamaterials as multi-band metastructures. Materials & Design, 202, 109522.
  41. Gorobets, Y., Gorobets, O., Tiukavkina, I., & Gerasimenko, R. (2021). Spin wave propagation through the interface between two ferromagnets without/with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction. Low Temperature Physics, 47(6), 493-496.
  42. Gorshkov, V., Tereshchuk, V., & Sareh, P. (2021). Heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation in the synthesis of quasi-one-dimensional periodic core–shell nanostructures. Crystal Growth & Design, 21(3), 1604-1616.
  43. Biletsky, O., Kotovskyi, V., Višniakov, N., & Šešok, A. (2022). Investigation of the Energy Characteristics of a Circuit under the Charge of a Supercapacitor and an Equivalent Linear Capacitor. Applied Sciences, 12(18), 9182.
  44. Danilova, V., Shlykov, V., Kotovskyi, V., Višniakov, N., & Šešok, A. (2021). Modelling of heat transfer processes in heat exchangers for cardiopulmonary bypass. Mathematics, 9(23), 3125.
  45. Kovalchuk, O., Nesterenko, O., Kotovskyi, V., Studenyak, I., Kovalchuk, T., Paulovičová, K., … & Upadhyay, R. V. (2021). Influence of magnetic nanoparticles on dielectric properties of Shell oil transformer oil. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics (SPQEO), 24(2), 154-159.
  46. Gorshkov, V. N., Tereshchuk, V. V., & Sareh, P. (2021). Roughening transition as a driving factor in the formation of self-ordered one-dimensional nanostructures. CrystEngComm, 23(8), 1836-1848.
  47. A.V. Vasin, D.V. Kysil, O.F. Isaieva, G.Yu. Rudko, V.M. Naseka, V.V. Strelchuk, Yu.P. Piryatinski, V.A. Tertyh, S.V. Sevostianov, D.V. Savchenko, A.N. NazarovEvolution of UV/VIS photoluminescence of aged Zn(acac)2 solutions in correlation with carbon precipitation / ECS Trans., Vol. 102, P. 55-64(2021).
  48. Snarskii, A. A., Podlasov, S., & Shamonin, M. (2021). Isotropic inertia tensor without symmetry of mass distribution. American Journal of Physics, 89(10), 916-920.
  49. D. Savchenko, V. Yukhymchuk, M. Skoryk, E. Ubyivovk, E. Mokhov, J. Lančok, B. Shanina, E. Kalabukhova Magnetic resonance study of p-type 3C SiC microparticles / Phys. Status Solidi (B), 2000306(1)-2000306(8) (2020).
  50. D. Savchenko, A. Vasin, O. Kuz, I. Verovsky, A. Prokhorov, J. Lančok, A. Nazarov, E. Kalabukhova, Role of the paramagnetic donor-like defects in the high n-type conductivity of the hydrogenated ZnO microparticles / Sci. Reports, Vol. 10, P. 17347(1)-17347(9) (2020).
  51. Gorobets, O., Gorobets, Y., Tiukavkina, I., & Gerasimenko, R. (2020). Spin-Polarized Current-Driven Ferromagnetic Domain Wall Motion with a Skyrmion-Like Building Block. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 65(10), 919-919.
  52. A.A. Prokhorov, E.E. Zubov, L.F. Chernush, R. Minikayev, V. Babin, M. Nikl, T. Zajarniuk, A. Szewczyk, D. Savchenko, J. Lančok, A.D. Prokhorov Comparative study of structural, optical and magnetic properties of Er3+ doped yttrium gallium borates / Results Phys. Vol. 19, P. 103247 (2020).
  53. Latcham, O. S., Gusieva, Y. I., Shytov, A. V., Gorobets, O. Y., & Kruglyak, V. V. (2020). Hybrid magnetoacoustic metamaterials for ultrasound control. Applied Physics Letters, 117(10).
  54. D. Savchenko, V. Rodionov, A. Prokhorov, J. Lančok, E. Kalabukhova, B. Shanina Impact of the dangling bond defects and grain boundaries on trapping recombination process in polycrystalline 3C SiC J. Alloys Compd. Vol. 823, P. 153752 (2020).
  55. Gorobets, O. Y., & Gorobets, Y. I. (2020). Topological characteristics of building blocks in the domain wall of an antiferromagnet with the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction. Low Temperature Physics, 46(8), 851-855.
  56. Gorobets, O. Y., & Gorobets, Y. I. (2020). 3D analytical model of skyrmion-like structures in an antiferromagnet with DMI. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 507, 166800.
  57. Berman, G. P., Gorshkov, V. N., & Tsifrinovich, V. I. (2020). Axionic dark matter halos in the gravitational field of baryonic matter. Modern Physics Letters A, 35(26), 2050248.
  58. Berman, G. P., Gorshkov, V. N., Tsifrinovich, V. I., Merkli, M., & Tereshchuk, V. V. (2020). Two-component axionic dark matter halos. Modern Physics Letters A, 35(26), 2050227.
  59. Gorshkov, V. N., Tereshchuk, V. V., & Sareh, P. (2020). Diversity of anisotropy effects in the breakup of metallic FCC nanowires into ordered nanodroplet chains. CrystEngComm, 22(15), 2601-2611.
  60. Gorshkov, V. N., Tereshchuk, V. V., & Sareh, P. (2020). Restructuring and breakup of nanowires with the diamond cubic crystal structure into nanoparticles. Materials Today Communications, 22, 100727.
  61. Shlykov, V., Kotovskyi, V., Višniakov, N., & Šešok, A. (2020). Model for elimination of mixed noise from MRI heart images. Applied Sciences, 10(14), 4747.
  62. Shlykov, V., Kotovskyi, V., Višniakov, N., & Šešok, A. (2020). The modeling of the temperature changes and distribution in the myocardium. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 20(04), 1950061.
  63. Kovalchuk, O. V., Kotovskyi, V. Y., Ovcharek, V. E., Oleinikova, I. V., & Kovalchuk, T. M. (2020). Features of dielectric properties of medical thermal indicators based on dispersions of cholesteric liquid crystals in the polymer matrix. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 23(4), 372-378.
  64. Sugakov, V., Ostapenko, N., Ostapenko, Y., Kerita, O., Strelchuk, V., & Kolomys, O. (2020). Experimental and modeling study of charge carriers release from traps by interaction with molecular vibrations in silicon organic polymers. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 697(1), 68-84.